Monday, November 30, 2009


During the launching of the 3-year preparation for the Diamond Jubilee of Palo as a diocese last November 28, 2009, Archbishop Jose Palma promulgated the Statutes of the Parish Finance Council ad experimentum for three years. The Archbishop decreed that within six months every parish and quasi parish must be able to form their own Parish Finance Council. Here in the parish even before the statutes were promulgated we already have established the Parish Finance Council.  In fact the term of office of the members will be expiring this month.  However, since the planned Parish Assembly will still be held in January 2010 we are hereby extending their term until then. Below are the Statutes of the Parish Finance Council.

(ad experimentum - 3 years)

I. Nature and Purpose
In the parish, Christ's faithful are gathered into one, under the headship of the parish priest, to fulfill their mission in Christ, prophet, priest and king. The kingly mission includes the assistance which Christ's faithful, according to their gifts, their office in the Church, and their state of life, give to the parish priest in the administration of the temporal goods of the Church (Second Vatican Council, Decree on the Apostolate of Lay People, No. 10).
In order to give form and stability to the assistance offered by Christ's faithful to the parish priest in the administration of the temporal goods of the parish, The Code of Canon Law requires that each parish in a diocese establishes a Parish Finance Council which is governed by universal Church law and norms given by the Diocesan Bishop (Canon 537).
The Parish Finance Council is a consultative body to the parish priest in the administration of the temporal goods of the parish.

II. Structure and Composition
1. The members of the Parish Finance Council (PFC) are parishioners known for their spiritual maturity and love for Christ and the Church, endowed with special competence in financial matters and of prudent judgment, who offer their time and talents as a Christian service or ministry in the development and management of the parish's financial resources.

2. The Parish Finance Council shall be composed of not less than five but not more than nine members, excluding the parish priest. (Note: Parochial Vicar/s may be invited to attend the meeting of the Parish Finance Council.)

3. Membership in the Parish Finance Council shall be by appointment from the parish priest after consultation with upright and serious-minded parishioners.

4. The Chairman of the Commission on Temporalities shall be an ex-officio member of the Parish Finance Council.

5. Members of the Parish Finance Council may not be related to the parish priest up to the fourth degree of consanguinity or affinity.

6. Names of the members of the Parish Finance Council are to be communicated to the Archbishop at the time of their appointment or reappointment.

7. The members of the Parish Finance Council shall serve a two-year term which is renewable but not for a third consecutive term.

8. Being a consultative body, it is co-terminus with the Parish Priest. It ceases to exist once the Parish Priest is transferred or removed. Within six months after his installation, the new Parish Priest must establish the Parish Finance Council. In the interim, the old Council will serve in a hold over capacity until a new one is established. It is the sole prerogative of the new Parish Priest to reappoint or not the members of the former Parish Finance Council.

9. The Parish Finance Council cannot be dissolved without the written permission of the Diocesan Bishop.

III. Officers

1. The Parish priest is the Chairperson of the Parish Finance Council. He convokes the Council and presides over its meetings and receives its proposals.

2. There shall be a Vice-Chairperson appointed by the Parish priest. The Vice-Chairperson assists the parish priest in coordinating the work of the Parish Finance Council. The Vice-Chairperson performs other tasks as may be delegated to him/her, including, if the parish priest so decides, presiding over the regular meetings of the Council.

3. A Secretary shall also be appointed by the Parish priest from among the members of the Parish Finance Council. The secretary is responsible for recording the minutes at each council meeting, keeping them and furnishing copies to the Diocesan Finance Council on a quarterly basis.

IV. Functions

The parish priest, by law, is entrusted with the administration of the temporal goods of the parish. He takes charge of all its funds and properties. The Parish Finance Council serves as a consultative body to the parish priest in the administration of the temporal goods and does not hold any funds of the parish. In particular, the Parish Finance Council assists the Parish Priest in making plans and policies regarding the financial status of the parish. Specifically, the Parish Finance Council has the following functions:

1. To assist the parish priest in the preparation of the parish annual budget.

2. To assist Parish Pastoral Council commissions and committees in preparing and submitting annual budget requests.

3. To develop a plan for financing necessary repairs, renovations, and the purchase of equipments, and other important parish projects.

4. To assist the parish priest in finding means and methods of raising funds, aside from mass collections and offerings, in order to support the ongoing programs of the parish.

5. To assist the parish priest in meeting all financial obligations of the parish.

V. Acts of Administration

1. The Finance Council will be consulted by the Parish Priest when an act of administration (sale, lease, loan, giving of donation or any project) involves the amount of more than one hundred thousand pesos (Php 100,000.00) up to two hundred thousand pesos (Php 200,000.00).

2. For validity, the consent of the Finance Council will be required if an act of administration involves the amount of more than two hundred thousand pesos (Php 200,000.00) up to five hundred thousand pesos (Php 500,000.00).

3. For a valid administrative act which involves more than five hundred thousand pesos (Php 500,000.00), the parish priest needs not only the consent of the Parish Finance Council but also of the Diocesan Bishop who may also consult the College of Consultors or the Archdiocesan Finance Council.

VI. Meetings

1. The Parish Finance Council shall meet at least four times a year or more frequently as deemed necessary by the Parish priest.

2. The presence of the parish priest or of his duly delegated representative and the majority of the members constitute a quorum.

3. The agenda and study material should be communicated to the members prior to the regular meetings.

VII. Voting

When voting is necessary for the parish priest to get the mind (“sensus”) of the council, council members enjoy a consultative vote unless otherwise provided for by these Statutes.

VIII. Relationship with the Parish Pastoral Council and the Commission on Temporalities

1. The Finance Council collaborates with the Parish Pastoral Council in financing the pastoral needs of the parish. The method of collaboration is determined by the parish priest through consultation with both Councils.

2. Neither Council is to usurp the constituted responsibilities of the other. Both universal law and these diocesan statutes assume that two distinct councils are formed in each parish. This does not preclude the presence of a delegate from the one council who participates in the other.

3. In relation with the Commission on Temporalities, the Parish Finance Council makes the financial plans and policies and it is the Commission on Temporalities which implements them.

IX. Effectivity and Amendment

1. The statutes of the Parish Finance Councils of the Archdiocese of Palo upon the recommendation of the majority of the priests of the Archdiocese shall be effective upon the approval of the Diocesan Bishop.

2. The statutes of the Parish Finance Council shall be fully implemented in the Archdiocese of Palo six months after the date of promulgation.

3. Any amendment, change, or addition to these statutes may be caused by a motion made a member of the presbyterium as confirmed by a two thirds vote of the presbyterium present when such motions shall have been expressed and seconded. The effectivity of an amended provision shall, however, require the approval of the Diocesan Bishop.

4. The members of the Finance Council in the parish may express their suggestions for amendments to their respective parish priests, who, in turn, may make a motion to the presbyterium of the diocese for proper action.

November 28, 2009

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