Saturday, December 19, 2009


(December 19, 2009). This morning 40 pairs of amancebados (those living-in together without the benefit of the sacrament of marriage) received the sacrament of marriage at the parish church. Most of those married are members of the Basic Ecclesial Communities (BEC) in their respective chapels. They were very much thankful that they have become members of the BEC as they were assisted in receiving the sacrament. In the parish the wedding of amancebados is done three times a year: during lent, during the Ordinarytime (August to October) and during Advent. if there are more than five couples coming from a chapel, usually the parish allows that the wedding be celebrated in their chapel. This year out of 165 couples who received the sacrament of marriage, 105 of these were wedding of amancebados.

For pictures of wedding of amancebados in Brgy Donghol last Oct 3, 2009 one can go to this page below:

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


              Dec. 16, 2009. An estimated three thousand people flocked to the Sts. Peter and Paul Church this morning for the first day of the Misa de Gallo masses. Not only was every space inside the church filled with church goers but including also the open spaces outside the church. A projector  was installed outside the church so that those who could not get inside the church could also see what was happening inside.  Celebrant of the mass was the parish priest, Msgr. Bernardo Pantin. The main theme being developed in the homilies for this year’s  Misa de Gallo is: The Incarnation of the Lord: Principle and Pattern of Transformation.”   Each day a sub theme is being meditated based on the word Christmas.
Dec 18     R      RENEWED FAITH
Dec 19     I       INTEGRITY OF LIFE   
Dec 21     T      TRUST IN GOD’S LOVE AND 
Dec 24     S       SHARED (social) VALUES AND 
Mass at Midnight      JESUS, LIGHT OF THE WORLD
            Aside from from the 4 a.m. mass in the main church, five other chapels within the parish have their own simbang gabi which started last night: Bantigue, Camp Downes, Malbasag, Alta Vista and Nadongholan.  This year the priests in the parish are also helping saying the misa de gallo in other chapels outside the parish like in Macabug of the Ipil, Ormoc Parish, alternately Naungan or Tambulilid chapels from the Linao parish, the Monastery of the Clarisas Capuchinas and the Hermitage in Natubgan, Kananga. 

The design and execution of the Belen this year is through the efforts of the Knights of Columbus and the Daughters of Mary Immaculate.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


                 The members of the Mother Butler Mission Guilds in the parishes of Ormoc had their annual Christmas gathering in honor for the priests and their benefactors at the Don Felipe Hotel last Monday, Dec. 14, 2009. The MBMG usually would invite all priests serving in the parishes of Ormoc, all who have been assigned here in the parishes and those whom they have helped in their studies to the priesthood. This year’s party was attended by thirty priests. Mass was first celebrated by Msgr. Bernardo Pantin, the parish priest of Sts. Peter and Paul and Vicar General concelebrated by all the priests present. Dinner then followed with song and dance numbers coming from the members of the MBMG. During the program the new officers and new members from the Sts. Peter and Paul Parish Unit were also inducted. Guest speaker for this year was Dr. Mario Rodriguez who has been a constant benefactor of the guild. Gifts consisting of altar items and other church paraphernalia were raffled off to all the priests present. Providing music and entertainment that night was the Men in Stripes, the singing group headed by Msgr. Maning Damayo.
                At present there are four units of MBMG found in four parishes here in the Vicariate of Ormoc: Sts. Peter and Paul, Mother of the Redeemer, San Lorenzo Ruiz de Manila  and the newest being the St. Mark the Evangelist in Linao Parish.  The main apostolate of the Mother Butler Mission Guilds is to serve the church by supplying liturgical vestments and paraphernalia especially in poor parishes and to help foster vocations.  The Mother Butlers here in Ormoc not only prays for vocations but they also financially help many seminarians in the seminary.  There have already been a good number of priests not only from Ormoc but in other places as well, who have been helped in their studies by the MBMG

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


All the parochial records of Sts. Peter and Paul Parish have already been computerized. The computerization project started in April 2009. The encoding of all the records took six months to finish with eight encoders doing the job. Now it has become easy and fast to ask for records of Baptism, Confirmation, Marriage and Death. Unfortunately, although the parish was erected in 1630, the earliest record dates back to 1945 only. The main reason for this was that the parish rectory and with it the parochial records were completely destroyed during the second world war in 1944. Hence for Baptism the first recorded data begins with those baptized in January 15, 1947. For Confirmation the records start with October 21, 1947. Marriage data start from May 26, 1945 and Death Register starts on January 15, 1947.
The parish archives

Sometimes however, data cannot right away be found in the parish registers. There are a number of reasons for these. First it could be that the names are different from what have been entered in the registers. Especially with cases of baptism it was a practice before that only the godparents would bring the child for baptism. The result would be that different names or spelling of names and other pertinent data would be given to the parish secretary. There are also a number of cases where the data were not entered at all at the parish registers. Such cases happen when the sacraments, like baptism, were done in the barrio chapels and due to negligence were not transmitted to the parish secretaries for recording. There are also other times when the sacrament was celebrated in a different parish and so therefore the data being asked could not be found in spite of diligent search from the records. 

Monday, November 30, 2009


Below is the amended statutes of the Parish Pastoral Council for the Archdiocese of Palo.  After twelve years since it was promulgated in November 1997 some changes were made as suggested by the priests.  The statutes also include norms on the Parish Commissions, Treasurer and Auditor which are separate entities from the Parish Pastoral Council.  When the Archbishop Jose Palma promulgated the Statutes of the Parish Finance Council last November 28, 2009, he likewise promulgated the amended statutes of the Parish Pastoral Council which we publish below.




Identity of the PPC

1. The Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) is a consultative body which is truly representative of the whole parish presided over by the Parish Priest. It is the research, planning and evaluating body of the parish.

2. Pastoral in nature, the Parish Pastoral Council deals with concerns affecting Church and world, and concentrates on developing priorities and overall resolutions with regard to issues identified. It recommends parochial plans and policies to the Parish Priest for his approval before they can be implemented.

3. Being a consultative body, it is co-terminus with the Parish Priest. It ceases to exist once the Parish Priest is transferred or removed.

4. Within six months after his installation, the new Parish Priest must establish the Parish Pastoral Council. In the interim, the old PPC will serve in a hold over capacity until a new PPC is established. It is the sole prerogative of the new Parish Priest to reappoint or not the members of the former PPC.

Functions of the PPC

5. The PPC is to facilitate a process in discovering, identifying and promulgating the parish mission statement in line with the priorities of the Archdiocese as embodied in the decrees of the First Archdiocesan Pastoral Assembly, the Second Plenary Council of the Philippines, the universal Church, and in response to the signs of the times. Among its functions are the following:
a. to prayerfully reflect on the needs, the life and the mission of the parish community;
b. to recommend administrative, pastoral and developmental plans and programs for the pastoral needs of all members of the parish to the Parish Priest;
c. to advise the Parish Priest on the pastoral action (cf. canon 536 § 1) of the parish community;
d. to review and evaluate the implementation of the pastoral plans;
e. to gather relevant data as bases for planning, evaluation and recommendation;
f. to perform other lawful tasks which the Parish Priest may assign;
g. to provide a mechanism by which the parishioners shall be encouraged to manifest their views on matters which concern the good of the parish, in the spirit of dialogue and fraternal correction (First Archdiocesan Pastoral Assembly or FAPA #20).


6. The PPC will be composed of at least 15 members with the following as automatic members:
a. Parish Priest
b. Assistant Parish Priest/s, if there is/are any
c. Chairpersons of the Parish Commissions
d. Head of the Catholic School located in the parish
e. BEC coordinator or representative
The rest of the members will be elected or appointed by the Parish Priest after consultation with some parishioners.

7. Terms of membership shall be two years. They can be reappointed or reelected but not for a third consecutive term, otherwise their appointment or election is invalid. However, after a lapse of a two year period, they may be reappointed or reelected to the PPC. The new Parish Priest may reappoint to the PPC only those who served under the former Parish Priest in their first term, regardless whether they completed the term or not; such reappointment is considered the second term.

8. The members of the Parish Pastoral Council must:
a. be of proven faith, morals and outstanding prudence;
b. not be a member of any organization whose tenets are incompatible with the Catholic Church;
c. be at least eighteen (18) years of age;
d. be available and committed to serve the parish.
e. not be under canonical penalty, whether imposed or declared.
f. have a domicile or quasi-domicile in the same parish.

9. Under special pastoral circumstances and conditions of parishes and certain persons, one may be eligible to become a council member with the written permission of the local Ordinary.

10. To the Parish Priest is given the prerogative to decide on the manner of representation or composition of the Parish Pastoral Council in a way that the members would truly represent the whole parish, including various religious and sectoral groups or a representative from the BEC clusters or barangays.


11. The Parish Priest shall be the Chairperson of the PPC. As such, he presides over the meeting. If for some valid reason he cannot perform this function, he has the power to appoint the Vice-Chairman to preside over the meeting.

12. The Parish Priest shall also appoint a Vice-Chairman and a Secretary who are both lay persons.

13. The PPC meets once every two months except in special cases where these meetings can be called outside of the regular schedule.

Duties of the Officers

14. Chairman
a. to convoke the Parish Pastoral Council;
b. to decide on the agenda of the meeting of the PPC;
c. to receive and decide upon all recommendations of the PPC before they can be implemented;
d. to preside over all meetings of the PPC.

15. Vice-Chairman
a. to preside over the meeting of the PPC in the absence of the Chairman or in his disability;
b. to perform other duties that may be assigned to him by the Chairman;
c. to be the liaison officer among the various commissions and committees.

16. Secretary
a. to record faithfully in writing the minutes of all meetings of the PPC;
b. to gather, arrange and safeguard all the records of the PPC, as well as the records of information taken from the five Commissions;
c. to give notice to members of all meetings called;
d. to receive and distribute correspondence to whom they appertain;
e. to perform all other duties incident to his office.


1. Every parish shall establish five (5) Commissions which shall be the implementing arm of the plans and programs of the Parish Pastoral Council as approved by the Parish Priest. The Commissions are:
a. Commission on Worship
b. Commission on Education (Christian Formation)
c. Commission on Social Action
d. Commission on Temporalities
e. Commission on Youth

2. Each of the five (5) Commissions shall meet at least once a month separately. Minutes of all meetings shall be duly recorded by the Commission Secretaries and copies are to be furnished to the Secretary of the PPC.

3. Each Commission shall have a Chairman appointed by the Parish Priest for a term of two (2) years subject to one reappointment but not for a third consecutive term, otherwise the reappointment is invalid. After a lapse of a two-year period, they can be reappointed. The term does not cease with the transfer or removal of the Parish Priest. The new Parish Priest, however, has to confirm the appointment of the Commission Chairman; otherwise, he has to appoint new Commission Chairman.

Duties of the Commission Chairman

4. The Commission Chairman shall act as the Program Director in his own Commission. He coordinates and oversees the implementation of the parish programs decided by the PPC and approved by the Parish Priest as they pertain to his area of responsibility.

5. Each Commission Chairman may recommend at least five (5) lay faithful as members of the Commission, subject to the approval of the Parish Priest.

6. The Commission Chairman shall appoint a Commission Secretary who shall keep records of the minutes of all meetings and the activities of each respective Commission.

7. He shall submit periodic accomplishment report during the regular meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council.

8. He shall perform such other duties as the PPC or the Parish Priest may prescribe from time to time.

Commission on Worship

9. The Commission on Worship is the Parish Priest’s arm in his duty to promote “full, conscious and active participation in liturgical celebrations” (SC 14) among his parishioners.

10. Among the functions of the Commission, under the guidance of the Parish Priest, are the following:
a. to know the state of the pastoral liturgical activity of the parish;
b. to diligently implement, together with the Parish Priest, policies and activities coming from the Archdiocesan Commission on Liturgy;
c. to suggest opportune plans for the progress of pastoral liturgical action. They should help the Parish Priest in the preparation of the celebration of the liturgy and even select and propose competent people who can assist him in this matter;
d. to help the Parish Priest in the proper maintenance and upkeep of the physical structure of the Church and all sacred furnishings in order to ensure a place and material things worthy of the dignity of the liturgy;
e. to see to it that there is involvement of lay people in the liturgical celebrations, whether the celebration of the Mass or the sacraments, particularly the Sunday liturgy, and that all initiatives towards the promotion of the liturgy in the parish are in mutual accord;

f. to provide the parish with a variety of lay liturgical ministries (i. e., lectors, extraordinary ministers of communion, altar servers, commentators, music directors, choir, cantors of the psalms, organists, and collectors) to promote full, conscious and active participation of the faithful in liturgical celebrations;
g. to conduct regular liturgical formation seminars for all agents of renewal in the parish. These seminars shall aim at a better understanding of the liturgy – emphasizing the centrality of the Eucharist in Christian life (FAPA #58);
h. to introduce special liturgical celebrations catering to the needs of the various sectors in the parish (FAPA #65); and,
i. to study existing popular devotions and make recommendations to the Parish Priest for the purpose of reorienting the parishioners in accordance with the principles of sacred liturgy and in line with the thrust of PCP II (FAPA #57.2).

Commission on Education or Christian Formation

11. Under the guidance of the Parish Priest, the coordination and supervision of Christian formation in the parish shall be assigned to the Commission on Education. It shall be composed of representatives from different parish organizations, faith communities and renewal movements (FAPA #11). Among its functions are the following:
a. to spearhead, coordinate, monitor, evaluate and sustain the task of evangelization of the lay faithful towards the formation of Basic Ecclesial Communities at the parish level (FAPA #11);
b. to coordinate, monitor and evaluate activities among faith communities and renewal movements in the Archdiocese in order to establish a more unified, cohesive and effective evangelization (FAPA #3.5);
c. the Commission on Education shall spearhead the establishment of a Parish Biblical Committee which shall conduct Basic Bible Seminars and training (FAPA #12);
d. with the full support of the Parish Priest, the Commission on Christian Education shall also establish a Family and Life Apostolate and Committee on Mass Media the tasks and responsibilities of which are similar to that in the archdiocesan level (FAPA ## 13-14);
e. to prepare programs and projects according to the guidelines set by the Archdiocese that will integrate the evangelical and social dimension of Christian Formation. Hence, the Commission on Christian Education should interact closely with the Worship, Social Action and Youth Commissions to ensure that these dimensions are woven into the total Christian Education Program; and,
f. to conduct an orientation seminar or give catechetical instructions to recipients and sponsors in the celebrations of such sacraments as baptism, confirmation and weddings, so that they will understand their Christian duties and responsibilities relative to their role as recipient or sponsor (FAPA #62).

Commission on Social Action

12. The Social Action Commission concerns itself with the Social Action Apostolate of the Church in the parish level. In pursuance of the goals defined by the 2nd Plenary Council, the Commission must form the “social conscience” of each parishioner in the light of the Social Doctrines of the Church. Its functions, therefore, are:
a. to judiciously adapt with revisions or adopt in entirety an education program for social awareness and action for the various sectoral groups in the parish (FAPA #73.1);
b. to organize a Committee on Social Services composed of competent and skilled manpower (FAPA #73.3) which will be tasked to conduct the periodic surveys to determine the socio-pastoral needs of the parishioners (FAPA #73.2);
c. to conduct community involvement projects that will address the socio-economic concerns of the community;
d. to coordinate with the different government and non-government agencies (FAPA #73) and serve as the local arm of the Social Action Center of the Archdiocese; and,
e. to create an ecology desk which will coordinate with barangay and municipal officials and the different government and non-government agencies insofar as this is practicable (FAPA #74).

 Commission on Temporalities

13. The Commission on Temporalities assists the Parish Priest in the administration of the physical properties of the parish and the conservation of other temporal goods belonging to the parish. Among its functions are the following:
a. to help the Parish Priest administer the temporal goods of the parish;
b. to assist the Parish Priest in the titling of all the real estate properties of the parish;
c. to assist in the support and maintenance of the Church and the rectory facilities, funding of parish programs and other temporal needs of the parish (FAPA #81.2);
d. to help the Parish Priest conduct activities to generate local resources for the parish;
e. to assist the Parish Priest in the supervision and coordination of parish construction projects and improvements;
f. to assist the Parish Priest in maintaining an Inventory of all Church properties in the parish. An Inventory should be made with every outgoing and incoming Parish Priest (FAPA #81.1);
g. to coordinate with and assist the Archdiocesan Commission on Temporalities regarding temporal matters of the parish (FAPA #81.3);
h. to establish a management information system to include specifically the directory of parishioners for pastoral purposes, in consultation with the Archdiocesan Commission on Temporalities (FAPA #81.4); and,
i. to require religious organizations engaging in fund raising activities to seek approval from the Parish Priest and to account and submit reports to the Commission on Temporalities.

Commission on Youth

14. The organization and Christian formation of the youth in the parish shall be assigned to the Commission on Youth. There shall be created corresponding Worship, Education and Social Action Committees whose functions are the following:
a. to take charge in the evangelization and Christian formation of the youth in coordination with the Parish Commission on Education;
b. to initiate activities and programs for the youth in the parish such as worship, vocation promotions, social concerns and catechism for the out-of-school youth (FAPA ##15 & 19) in coordination with the Parish Commissions concerned; and,
c. to maintain close contact with the Archdiocesan Youth Ministry and to implement its plans and activities in the parish level.


1. In each parish, a Parish Treasurer is to be appointed by the Parish Priest, after consulting the members of the Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) and the Parish Finance Council (PFC).

2. The Parish Treasurer is to be appointed for five (5) years subject to one reappointment, unless removed for grave reasons.

3. Persons related to the Parish Priest up to the fourth degree of consanguinity or affinity are excluded from this office (cf. canon 492 § 3).

4. The following are the functions of the Parish Treasurer:
a. to act as custodian of the money gathered from special or extraordinary collections or fund raising projects. All monies should be deposited in the bank except for petty cash which will stay in the hands of the Treasurer. Books and documents should be deposited in a steel cabinet provided for this purpose in which case only the priest and treasurer will hold the key to this cabinet. Strict rules of bookkeeping and accounting must be followed;
b. to be co-signatory with the Parish Priest of all the accounts of the Commissions
Pursuant to the Circular Letter No. 04, Series of 1997, all parish monies should never be deposited under the personal name of the Parish Priest. The title of the deposit should be:

In trust for the Parish of __________.

Aside from the Parish Priest and the Treasurer, the Archbishop should always be a signatory alone in the deposits of parish funds, so that in cases of emergency the money can be easily withdrawn;
d. to disburse funds only with the knowledge and consent of the Parish Priest, with vouchers and receipts;
e. to prepare, submit and publish annual financial report to the Parish Priest, to the PPC and to the PFC (cf. canon 494 § 4), or as often as the Parish Priest requires it;
f. to open the books for inspection at anytime by authorized officials of the Chancery;
g. in the case of transfer or removal of the parish priest, to submit a terminal financial report to the new Parish Priest, specifically during the installation and turn-over rites, together with the canonical books and other pertinent records of the parish.


The Parish Auditor has the following functions:
a. to make a periodic audit of the book of accounts of the Treasurer;
b. to make a performance audit periodically of projects of the parish; and,
c. to submit to the Archbishop his audit report of the parish.


During the launching of the 3-year preparation for the Diamond Jubilee of Palo as a diocese last November 28, 2009, Archbishop Jose Palma promulgated the Statutes of the Parish Finance Council ad experimentum for three years. The Archbishop decreed that within six months every parish and quasi parish must be able to form their own Parish Finance Council. Here in the parish even before the statutes were promulgated we already have established the Parish Finance Council.  In fact the term of office of the members will be expiring this month.  However, since the planned Parish Assembly will still be held in January 2010 we are hereby extending their term until then. Below are the Statutes of the Parish Finance Council.

(ad experimentum - 3 years)

I. Nature and Purpose
In the parish, Christ's faithful are gathered into one, under the headship of the parish priest, to fulfill their mission in Christ, prophet, priest and king. The kingly mission includes the assistance which Christ's faithful, according to their gifts, their office in the Church, and their state of life, give to the parish priest in the administration of the temporal goods of the Church (Second Vatican Council, Decree on the Apostolate of Lay People, No. 10).
In order to give form and stability to the assistance offered by Christ's faithful to the parish priest in the administration of the temporal goods of the parish, The Code of Canon Law requires that each parish in a diocese establishes a Parish Finance Council which is governed by universal Church law and norms given by the Diocesan Bishop (Canon 537).
The Parish Finance Council is a consultative body to the parish priest in the administration of the temporal goods of the parish.

II. Structure and Composition
1. The members of the Parish Finance Council (PFC) are parishioners known for their spiritual maturity and love for Christ and the Church, endowed with special competence in financial matters and of prudent judgment, who offer their time and talents as a Christian service or ministry in the development and management of the parish's financial resources.

2. The Parish Finance Council shall be composed of not less than five but not more than nine members, excluding the parish priest. (Note: Parochial Vicar/s may be invited to attend the meeting of the Parish Finance Council.)

3. Membership in the Parish Finance Council shall be by appointment from the parish priest after consultation with upright and serious-minded parishioners.

4. The Chairman of the Commission on Temporalities shall be an ex-officio member of the Parish Finance Council.

5. Members of the Parish Finance Council may not be related to the parish priest up to the fourth degree of consanguinity or affinity.

6. Names of the members of the Parish Finance Council are to be communicated to the Archbishop at the time of their appointment or reappointment.

7. The members of the Parish Finance Council shall serve a two-year term which is renewable but not for a third consecutive term.

8. Being a consultative body, it is co-terminus with the Parish Priest. It ceases to exist once the Parish Priest is transferred or removed. Within six months after his installation, the new Parish Priest must establish the Parish Finance Council. In the interim, the old Council will serve in a hold over capacity until a new one is established. It is the sole prerogative of the new Parish Priest to reappoint or not the members of the former Parish Finance Council.

9. The Parish Finance Council cannot be dissolved without the written permission of the Diocesan Bishop.

III. Officers

1. The Parish priest is the Chairperson of the Parish Finance Council. He convokes the Council and presides over its meetings and receives its proposals.

2. There shall be a Vice-Chairperson appointed by the Parish priest. The Vice-Chairperson assists the parish priest in coordinating the work of the Parish Finance Council. The Vice-Chairperson performs other tasks as may be delegated to him/her, including, if the parish priest so decides, presiding over the regular meetings of the Council.

3. A Secretary shall also be appointed by the Parish priest from among the members of the Parish Finance Council. The secretary is responsible for recording the minutes at each council meeting, keeping them and furnishing copies to the Diocesan Finance Council on a quarterly basis.

IV. Functions

The parish priest, by law, is entrusted with the administration of the temporal goods of the parish. He takes charge of all its funds and properties. The Parish Finance Council serves as a consultative body to the parish priest in the administration of the temporal goods and does not hold any funds of the parish. In particular, the Parish Finance Council assists the Parish Priest in making plans and policies regarding the financial status of the parish. Specifically, the Parish Finance Council has the following functions:

1. To assist the parish priest in the preparation of the parish annual budget.

2. To assist Parish Pastoral Council commissions and committees in preparing and submitting annual budget requests.

3. To develop a plan for financing necessary repairs, renovations, and the purchase of equipments, and other important parish projects.

4. To assist the parish priest in finding means and methods of raising funds, aside from mass collections and offerings, in order to support the ongoing programs of the parish.

5. To assist the parish priest in meeting all financial obligations of the parish.

V. Acts of Administration

1. The Finance Council will be consulted by the Parish Priest when an act of administration (sale, lease, loan, giving of donation or any project) involves the amount of more than one hundred thousand pesos (Php 100,000.00) up to two hundred thousand pesos (Php 200,000.00).

2. For validity, the consent of the Finance Council will be required if an act of administration involves the amount of more than two hundred thousand pesos (Php 200,000.00) up to five hundred thousand pesos (Php 500,000.00).

3. For a valid administrative act which involves more than five hundred thousand pesos (Php 500,000.00), the parish priest needs not only the consent of the Parish Finance Council but also of the Diocesan Bishop who may also consult the College of Consultors or the Archdiocesan Finance Council.

VI. Meetings

1. The Parish Finance Council shall meet at least four times a year or more frequently as deemed necessary by the Parish priest.

2. The presence of the parish priest or of his duly delegated representative and the majority of the members constitute a quorum.

3. The agenda and study material should be communicated to the members prior to the regular meetings.

VII. Voting

When voting is necessary for the parish priest to get the mind (“sensus”) of the council, council members enjoy a consultative vote unless otherwise provided for by these Statutes.

VIII. Relationship with the Parish Pastoral Council and the Commission on Temporalities

1. The Finance Council collaborates with the Parish Pastoral Council in financing the pastoral needs of the parish. The method of collaboration is determined by the parish priest through consultation with both Councils.

2. Neither Council is to usurp the constituted responsibilities of the other. Both universal law and these diocesan statutes assume that two distinct councils are formed in each parish. This does not preclude the presence of a delegate from the one council who participates in the other.

3. In relation with the Commission on Temporalities, the Parish Finance Council makes the financial plans and policies and it is the Commission on Temporalities which implements them.

IX. Effectivity and Amendment

1. The statutes of the Parish Finance Councils of the Archdiocese of Palo upon the recommendation of the majority of the priests of the Archdiocese shall be effective upon the approval of the Diocesan Bishop.

2. The statutes of the Parish Finance Council shall be fully implemented in the Archdiocese of Palo six months after the date of promulgation.

3. Any amendment, change, or addition to these statutes may be caused by a motion made a member of the presbyterium as confirmed by a two thirds vote of the presbyterium present when such motions shall have been expressed and seconded. The effectivity of an amended provision shall, however, require the approval of the Diocesan Bishop.

4. The members of the Finance Council in the parish may express their suggestions for amendments to their respective parish priests, who, in turn, may make a motion to the presbyterium of the diocese for proper action.

November 28, 2009

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Of the 110 barangays of the city of Ormoc, 41 fall under the parish of Sts. Peter and Paul. This includes the 29 city districts. Here below is the list of the Barangays with the names of the Barangay chairman that fall within the territory of Sts. Peter and Paul Parish, Ormoc City.

    Barangay               Population        Barangay Chairman
1. Brgy District 1 -            206 -       Hon. Jerome Q. Mañago
2. Brgy. District 2 -             52 -       Hon. Estrella R. Perez
3. Brgy. District 3 -             53 -       Hon. Francis D. Quijardo
4. Brgy. District 4 -           757 -       Hon. Josela A. Dumaguit
5. Brgy. District 5 -             57 -       Hon. Ulysses S. Abucay
6. Brgy. District 6 -             32 -
7. Brgy. District 7 -           160 -      Hon. Andres A. Turtugo, Jr.
8. Brgy. District 8 -             82 -      Hon. Eduardo R. Perez
9. Brgy. District 9 -           173 -      Hon. Felix R. Arellano
10. Brgy. District 10 -       506 -      Hon. Jose Glenn V. Aparis
11. Brgy. District 11 -       241 -      Hon. Romeo G. Blanco
12. Brgy. District 12 -       211 -      Hon. Maria Samuel P. Aviles
13. Brgy. District 13 -       445 -      Hon. Mark Raymund A. Morilla
14. Brgy. District 14 -         88 -      Hon. Xerxes Solon
15. Brgy. District 15 -       284 -      Hon. Ma. Elena Y. Larrazabal
16. Brgy. District 16 -       174 -      Hon. Roberto M. Barnaba
17. Brgy. District 17 -       381 -     Hon. Antonio Cabahug
18. Brgy. District 18 -       265 -     Hon. Edgardo R. Paredes
19. Brgy. District 19 -       316 -      Hon. Mansueta L. Omega
20. Brgy. District 20 -       180 -      Hon. Dionesio C. Jayme
21. Brgy. District 21 -       342 -     Hon. Maria Jonnabel S. Racaza
22. Brgy. District 22 -       370 -     Hon. Alexander C. Aberca
23. Brgy. District 23 -       274 -     Hon. Anecita A. Castro
24. Brgy. District 24 -       162 -     Hon. Ranulfo D. Sanchez
25. Brgy. District 25(Malbasag) - 378 Hon. Angelito L. Bernales
26. Brgy. District 26 (Rizal Ext)- 1,024 Hon. Ciriaco G. Tolibao III
27. Brgy. District 27 -       299 -     Hon. Danilo V. Enecio
28. Brgy. District 28 -    1,856 -     Hon. Pedro Y. Orellano, Jr.
29. Brgy. District 29 (Nadongholan) - 2,860   Hon. Nimfa de Paz Rufuli
30. Alegria -                   1,672        Hon. Lea Doris C. Villar
31. Alta Vista -               1,900 -      Hon. Myrna R. Mangle
32. Bantigue -                 2,150 -      Hon. Sulpecio B. Hermias
33. Batuan -                       543 -      Hon. Mariano J. Alonzo, Jr.
34. Camp Downes -        2,696 -      Hon. Samuel D. Baldezanso
35. Can-adieng -             2,399 -      Hon. Feliciano C. Pilapil
36. Don Felipe Larrazabal- 1,580    Hon. Rafael G. Fernandez
37. Donghol -                 2,011 -       Hon. Henry D. Gonato
38. Mahayag -                   519 -       Hon. Samuel R. Ablen
39. Patag -                      2,250 -       Hon. Raul G. Formentera
40. Punta -                      4,159 -       Hon. Restituto L. Jumao-as
41. Sumangga -               1,178 -       Hon. Mario M. Albor

              Total Population: 35,285

Data as of October 2007